Yulia Brodskaya, from Russia, has created these beautiful paper illustrations. We did some paper folding and cutting projects in first year (college - design) but it certainly didn't get to this level. I love her work, it's beautiful - and showcases wonderfully how amazing paper can be as a medium. It makes me want to bust out my french curve and assorted exactos, rubber cement and cutting mat and start experimenting again. The delicate way she handles the sculptures is nearly impossible.. and no other effect can come close to mimicking the look of these beautiful pieces.
Also - I realize it's been ten thousand years since I last posted. Christmas crazyness has forced itself upon me. I love Christmas like crazy, but man, am I ever a ball of nerves when it's on its way! I have countless hours of shopping still to do - and all the while doing the Christmas obligatory parties, etc., trying to fit in friends, phone calls and sleep - not to mention Ryan!
I have noticed that there is a LOT of really awesome packaging out there this Christmas.. to the point where you don't even want to wrap some of them (in fact, we're not going to). And recycled material is big in a lot of the packaging - LUSH cosmetics and bath products, for example, use recycled paper and boxes for all their bath supplies. It's pretty cool! Anyway - I'm in the market for a new cellphone - hopefully with a crappy webcam - so then I can take shots of the pretty things I see - which will remind me to post them, or at least remember them for myself!
Anywho - hope your Christmas is awesome and Merry. Take a break for a cuppa tea - it helps me sooth my frazzled nerves! Like a hug from the inside!