

Have you ever wondered how to spell the sound that you make when you stick out your tongue and sputter at someone? There has been an entire study on it - I saw it online somewhere - if I find it, I'll post it. Anyway - the title of this post is my approximate spelling of that action - I sounded it out.

Mondays - what is it about you that makes me want to just spbbbbbbt at you? Poor Monday - the most loathed day of the week - I wonder if it has a complex? 

Edit: This is not the article I read - but apparently I spelled it wrong!

Ah-HA! Found it! The Sneeze is a hilarious blog - Here's his article on that topic!


Can you say no to a dare?

Working on making this blog pretty! I wanted to come up with something to brand my blog, and this is one of the millions of sketches I came up with. I think it'll do for now. What do you think?

Home Sweet Home

Very exciting news has hit theGuy and I this week - we're moving! I am so very excited and keep thinking of all these crafts that I can do in the house! There is an amazing website that has so many diy projects that I can't wait to take on, it's called Design Sponge and you should really check it out.

So, moving day will be April 1st - there might be a lull in activity around then (not unlike lately!), but hopefully I will be able to do a ton of creative projects and post them on here to share! Whee! I am so excited for my new studio - hopefully it will be inspiration headquarters!

So - step one - I am on the hunt for old school ornamental frames. They can be hideously ugly, plastic, glass-less, housing a painting of a seagull, whatever - but I would like as many as possible - so keep your eyes peeled, people. If you see a stash somewhere, please let me know! I can't wait for my first project!



Because it seems a little silly that I keep writing "All elements were hand-drawn by me", and not including them on all of the illustrations and designs that have been completely rendered by me - for future reference, all elements were created by me - unless otherwise stated. In the designs to this point, the "Oh Brother" design, my portfolio link and "eat it", I think are the only ones that have not been completely rendered by me. So there. Saves time!

Going to see k-os tonight, and super excited; but it's a late show so I may not get a chance to design today - although I'm sure that show will leave me inspired!

Happy Tuesday-that-feels-like-Monday!


A quote by Milton Glaser, the creator of the I Love NY logo. I'm not sure the last time a quote rang this true with me, but wowza. TheGuy and I were sitting in Chapters, perusing our favourite sections, and while skimming through a book on Typography - there it was - the quote of all quotes!

I'm not sure if it's because my first year of college was done completely by hand, or whether it's because these daily design challenges have brought me back to my sketchbook like never before, but it's true! Little imperfections that are created on paper make things more perfect, more human, and more real. And it's something that can't happen by accident on the computer. :)

All elements rendered by me.



Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Hope you enjoy today's little design!
Now! Off I go for some lovely time with theGuy! Hope your V-Day is awesome!


Shake it like a Polaroid picture..

Thursday was my lovely friend, Jakey's Birthday. He turned 27! TheGuy and I celebrated his birthday with him yesterday, and I was struck again by a) how long we've been friends, b) how comfortable and nice it is to be friends with him and c) how much it would suck to be ALLERGIC TO ALCOHOL - seriously - the birthday boy had 2 1/2 drinks and was sick as a dog. Not a happy moment for him! Poor Jakey!

Anyway - Jake is a designer who has such a different way of looking at things! He is able to see beauty in old things, he has an eclectic sense of humour and loves things that are a little rough around the edges. His work is always a little kooky - in a good way. I wanted to do something a little modern, but a little imperfect to honour his special day! A polaroid popped into my head - how beautifully ugly are polaroid photos? The hues, odd exposures and perfect frame make the polaroid an iconic visual that I thought would speak to Jakey!

Happy birthday, Jakey!

All elements were created by me!


Having a ball!

TheGuy: What're you doing?
Me: Thinking of what to do for my design challenge.
TheGuy: Here, draw this.
Me: Ok!

And that is the story of today's daily design (although there is a much longer, more involved story to the rubber band ball itself.. another time).

All elements were hand-drawn by me

Logo landscape

I didn't get a chance to scan and upload my design challenge from yesterday - but it's coming!

Instead, I am happy to share with you the latest logo design I created at work, for a lovely landscaping company. This company specializes in concrete work, gardening/landscaping and water features. They like to look at things differently and offer unique solutions that many other landscapers don't offer- hence "inspired".

I've included some conceptual work here, as well (there were at least 50 concepts - but most are pretty rough) to show you some of the ones that didn't make the cut.

Being creative for a job is fun!


Case of the blahs

A typical Monday in February.

Today's challenge is pretty self explanatory (hint - that's me)


Coming Clean

Life has been busy, and, although I have been creative at work, I just have not been able to set time aside for my design challenges since Tuesday! 

So, I thought I'd share a little secret of my racy life with everyone - and share the domestic bliss that is date night with theGuy and I. 

For real. Friday night, the coveted night of the much anticipated weekend, was spent doing laundry. We are hardcore, people!

But I think this may be the truth behind more people's lives than would care to admit. At least, this is what I tell myself!

All elements were hand-drawn by me.



I was a little stumped today, not sure what I was going to do for my daily challenge. I was staring off into space when DING, this idea floated by and I caught it! 

Ah, February. We're two days in (what happened to January?) and the ground hogs have informed us of 6 more weeks of winter. Think sunny thoughts, people. We'll get there!

On the other hand, there really is nothing like a warm bowl of soup and a hot chocolate on a cold winter night. I made the Madras Chicken Soup from Chatelaine Magazine tonight, and it was totally amazing!


Queen of Hearts

The night got away on me today, so I did this quick drawing for today's challenge - my version of the Queen of Hearts!

Since it is February, it's love, love, everywhere. And, quite frankly, as a hopeful romantic, I'm gobbling this stuff up! (Even though I know it's way more socially acceptable to be a cynic of this consumerism driven holiday)

That's just the way I roll!