
Packaging Delight!

I am in LOVE with the blog "the Dieline". It is a blog that features different packaging on a random basis. For me, winning the lottery is finding three updates in one day - as we all know, there is a lot of amazing packaging out there - but 365 days worth? Who knows?

This was featured on the dieline blog this week.

Copied directly from the blog: " Synergy V3 was recently designed by Moxie Sozo of Boulder, Colorado. In my opinion, it is a vast improvement".  

My co-worker brought to my attention that it's a dietary supplement. The debate is whether it is a good thing to depart so far from the typical branding that the dietary supplements would have. Would this make it stand out on the shelf more, enticing people to buy? Or would it lack the identity to the point where people wouldn't see it as a recognizable dietary supplement?

So.. those are my thoughts. I just love the fruit pattern - I'm seeing more of this type of treatment - it reminds me of the ornate patterns India is so famous for - and I think it's beautiful!

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Whatcha talkin' 'bout Willis?