
My Curb

I got another opportunity to work with the talented Mike Erb again, working with him is always such a pleasure. He gave me, basically, free reign on the creative - which is ALWAYS a terrific chance to get those creative juices going - and so, this is my result.

It's really nice to do work like this, poster art has always been my favourite of all design (with packaging a very close second) especially the posters of the 60's and 70's - how much cooler can art be?
Super fun job, amazing client - one of those magical moments a designer dreams of! :)


Great Sentiments!

Good to know that someone's putting that thought out there. See that someone's other work:
Mike Monteiro is that someone.

Hand rendered, no less! (gotta love that hand rendered typography!)

Happy Friday the 13th, ladies and gents! Hope your weekend is inspiring!



Today is one of those days. Sometimes it feels like for every step forward that you take, you end up taking 3 steps backwards. In this time of messed up economies and the drizzle of dread that has been surrounding 2009 so far, I suppose I'm not alone in feeling this way!

I love deviantART. It's a great source for inspiration, and to see what people are doing! There is a LOT of talent at deviantART, and most of the people are doing it just for the sheer satisfaction of creation. That's the best kind. So, I stumbled upon the photo above when I searched "anger" at deviantArt, because, I was angry. And then I came across the beautiful gallery of Protogeny, the one that took the above photo. That made me feel better, at least a little.

So here I go, heading off for my afternoon nap. Hopefully this year will start to turn around for everyone! In the meantime, why don't you take a stroll to deviantART and let me know what YOUR favourite galleries are!


That Thom, Thom, Thom, Thom, Thom!

I was thinking - if there is a weekday that is awesome, even though it's a work day, and not including Friday, because that's the weekend - well, it would be Wednesday. It's kind of like a little pet that is, you know, something to be looked after and everything, but is boundless with positive vibes and wonderful things to experience. Wednesday is totally the best pet of the workdays. Yep.

Thom Yorke. Not the most handsome devil in the world, but talent which exceeds that of a 'normal' being. Radiohead's awesome, and Thom is, too!
For the Grammy's this year TWBA \ Chiat \ Day created this beautiful poster, as well as some others. Beautiful, inspiring, creative.. just like the music of Thom and Radiohead, alike!

Hope you enjoy it - Happy Hump Day!


I'm Back?

The good people at The Dieline piqued my interest, once again - sharing with me, the world of Aesthetic Apparatus!. They created these tea canisters for Andrews & Dunham's Damn Fine Tea.
Quirky, fun and unique, Aesteic Apparatus' portfolio is a kaleidoscope of colour and fonts - check out this poster for The Talkies.

I know it's been a long while since I posted - and I'm going to work on that. Who wants to read a defunct and never posted on blog? Like no one in the world. I think, also, that since my life is so freaking hilarious - I may begin sharing some of my antics with you - I think you'll laugh!

Have a super day!