Wowza. Student work.
Student work? Really?
Yep - as found via The Dieline, these wine bottles were designed by design student Meeta Panesar. It's well worth taking a look through her site to see the other work she has done. Impressive. She's not afraid of colour, or lack-thereof, she's bold and unique - terrific work!
Oh, student days. There was something amazing about doing work as a student, that I didn't realize at the time. I always thought the glory would be in working on actual product packaging or business cards, for real, legitimate companies. This was so far from the truth! Inventing your own companies, experimenting without client regulations (although my teachers acted as our clients), the "I like blue because it's the colour of my grandson's eye" factor was non-existent.. I wish I'd embraced it more!
Has anyone noticed that summer's kinda, not really here yet? Hello mother nature - it's June now. Bring on the nice weather! Please? I'm recalling the RAIN of last year and hoping for something a little dinner. SUMMER - PLEASE BE GOOD TO US!
Okay, that's all. rant rant rant.